January 2005 (www.dragonsaber.com/web/classic-frommers.shtml) -
Frommers.com is a corporate Website, but there's no reason why it needed to look
like one. Travel is about relaxation and leisure activity. This site's design evokes a
fun feeling while remaining practical and content oriented. The beveled interface elements
are used to surround and highlight each content area without distracting from them. Because
of the heavy content, each subsection has a mini layout in itself. Being the most important
section, "Destinations" was placed on a slightly higher plane to give it a bit more
prominence than the other sections.
With the exception of the "Destinations" section, the other features of
the homepage form conceptual rectangles to seperate themselves from each other. A
conceptual shape is one that is not obviously defined by hard edges or borders. The viewer's
eye forms the boundaries based on elements that make it up. This allows each section to
be on its own, but part of a larger whole at the same time.